[Infowarrior] - GOP cuts off US House cameras, so Democrats Periscope gun control sit-in

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jun 22 15:03:26 CDT 2016

GOP cuts off US House cameras, so Democrats Periscope gun control sit-in

Rep. Scott Peters turns to social media to broadcast protest.

by David Kravets - Jun 22, 2016 3:33pm EDT


If there's anything that members of Congress can agree on, it's that they can't agree on anything. So on Wednesday, Democrats took to the House floor to stage a sit-in and protest their GOP counterparts' refusal to consider gun control legislation in the wake of the recent Orlando mass shooting.

The GOP's response was to cut the C-SPAN feed of the floor protest. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who controls the House C-SPAN feed, decided censorship was the proper route. But the C-Span feed was quickly restored via Twitter-owned Periscope from Rep. Scott Peters, a Democrat from California. Here is Peters' feed. The video is spotty.

The Democrats are urging gun legislation to land on the House floor. Hopefully Peters' mobile phone has a big battery, as about 40 House Democrats vowed "to occupy the floor of the House until there is action."

The protest started about 11:30am ET and was continuing at the time this post was published. Later in the day, Facebook live was also being used to broadcast the feed to C-SPAN.

The move comes days after the Senate brushed aside four gun control measures. Now Democrats in the House are demanding that the full body consider gun control measures.
It's better to burn out than fade away.

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