[Infowarrior] - Thank the 'Patriot' Act for this.

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Jul 8 06:02:02 CDT 2016

The full article is worth reading, but relevant extract shown below.

'Circumstances' So 'Exigent' Narcotics Agents Could Have Watched 'Gone With The Wind' And Had Time To Spare


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Also of note is how little it takes to attract law enforcement attention by purchasing OTC pseudoephedrine.

LCNA agents confirmed that appellant was the renter of the apartment. They looked him up in the National Precursor Log Exchange (“NPLEx”) which showed that appellant had purchased pseudoephedrine nine times over the past three and a half months including a purchase that day from a local pharmacy.

That's a little over one purchase every two weeks. Depending on the number of people using pseudoephedrine products in the same house, that's hardly meth lab-supporting frequency. What's shown here doesn't necessarily indicate the system flags purchasers who acquire pseudoephedrine this frequently, but it does imply that if law enforcement officers are looking for a reason to search a vehicle/house, this level of activity is considered suspicious.

It's better to burn out than fade away.

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