[Infowarrior] - The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government’s War on Cyberterrorism

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Mar 18 07:17:20 CDT 2015

The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government’s War on Cyberterrorism

By John W. Whitehead 
March 17, 2015

“The game is rigged, the network is bugged, the government talks double-speak, the courts are complicit and there’s nothing you can do about it.”—David Kravets, reporting for Wired

Nothing you write, say, text, tweet or share via phone or computer is private anymore. As constitutional law professor Garrett Epps points out, “Big Brother is watching…. Big Brother may be watching you right now, and you may never know. Since 9/11, our national life has changed forever. Surveillance is the new normal.”

This is the reality of the internet-dependent, plugged-in life of most Americans today.

A process which started shortly after 9/11 with programs such as Total Information Awareness (the predecessor to the government’s present surveillance programs) has grown into a full-fledged campaign of warrantless surveillance, electronic tracking and data mining, thanks to federal agents who have been given carte blanche access to the vast majority of electronic communications in America. Their methods completely undermine constitution safeguards, and yet no federal agency, president, court or legislature has stepped up to halt this assault on our rights....

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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