[Infowarrior] - Boston Orders City Workers Not to Disparage Olympics

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jan 21 16:54:18 CST 2015

Boston Orders City Workers Not to Disparage Olympics


BOSTON — As part of the bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympics, Mayor Martin J. Walsh has signed an agreement that prohibits employees of the city of Boston from making negative comments about the Games or the process.

The agreement prohibits city workers from making written or verbal statements that “reflect unfavorably upon, denigrate or disparage, or are detrimental to the reputation” of the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee or the Olympic Games, according to documents obtained by The Boston Globe through a public records request.

Boston city employees “shall each promote” the city’s bid “in a positive manner,” says the agreement, made between the Walsh administration and the U.S.O.C.

After the agreement was made public, the mayor’s office issued a statement saying: “Mayor Walsh is not looking to limit the free speech of his employees and, as residents of Boston, he fully supports them participating in the community process.”

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