[Infowarrior] - 'Muslim Birmingham' Fox News claim

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Jan 12 10:53:50 CST 2015

2 January 2015 Last updated at 11:47 ET

Apology for 'Muslim Birmingham' Fox News claim

An American terrorism commentator has apologised for describing Birmingham as a "Muslim-only city" where non-Muslims "don't go" during a Fox News interview.

Steven Emerson told the channel that in London "Muslim religious police" beat "anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire".

He later issued an apology for his "terrible error".

His comments have come in for ridicule, with the hashtag #FoxNewsFacts trending on Twitter.

Mr Emerson, who founded a group called The Investigative Project on Terrorism, was giving his perspective on the terror attacks in France to Fox presenter Jeanine Pirro.

Birmingham City Council said Mr Emerson's "curious" comments had no foundation, and welcomed his apology, while Birmingham Edgbaston MP Gisela Stuart described the remarks as "stupid".

'Check your facts'

On social media, Mr Emerson has been the butt of jokes, while he has been accused of "speaking nonsense" by people posting on his investigative website....

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