[Infowarrior] - Another Comcast customer-service gaffe - this one vulgar and viral

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Feb 1 10:34:27 CST 2015

Another Comcast customer-service gaffe - this one vulgar and viral

Bob Fernandez, Inquirer Staff Writer

Posted: Friday, January 30, 2015, 1:08 AM

Comcast Corp.'s national reputation for shaky customer service was rocked again Thursday, and in a particularly unseemly and profane fashion.

A customer in Spokane, Wash., said the cable-TV giant changed his first name on his bill and his online account after he canceled his cable service because of financial hardships. A worker substituted his actual first name, Ricardo, with a vulgarity in its billing system.

Charles Herrin, senior vice president for Comcast customer experience, personally apologized to the Browns in a phone call and said Thursday in a blog posting that it was an "unacceptable situation."

The employee responsible, Herrin said in the posting, "will no longer be working on behalf of Comcast."

Lisa Brown, 37, wife of Ricardo and the one who complained to the office that authorizes cable franchising in Spokane, said Thursday that she was "shocked" by the incident.

Comcast agreed to refund two years of her bills, she said. The company said it was working with Brown but would not talk about specifics.

"We were speechless that that would make it out the door," she said of the mailed bill, which identified her husband as "Asshole Brown."

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