[Infowarrior] - Yahoo Mail suffers major outage due to severed underwater cable

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Nov 22 13:29:55 CST 2014

(C'mon, I thought NSA was better @ this stuff by now!!  *g*  --rick)

Yahoo Mail suffers major outage due to severed underwater cable

No word when it will be back up and running
By Carly Page
Sat Nov 22 2014, 10:31                 


YAHOO MAIL is suffering a major outage after an underwater cable was cut during maintenance work.

The severed underwater cable, which Yahoo is blaming on an unnamed third-party, has seen the firm's Mail service downed in the UK and US, leaving many users unable to access their accounts and others suffering from slow page loading times.

Yahoo has confirmed the issue on its support pages, but hasn't yet said when the service likely will be back up and running. 

"We are aware that Yahoo Mail is slow or inaccessible for some of our users. The issues were a result of an underwater fibre cable cut, caused by a third party while fixing a separate cable.

"The engineering team has rerouted email traffic to mitigate accessibility issues. A cable repair ship has been mobilised and will be at the site this weekend.

"We apologise for the inconvenience as we certainly understand email is a critical service for our customers."

The notice added: "Some Yahoo Mail users are experiencing delays in accessing and viewing their mail. We'll be posting updates regularly on this page to keep everyone informed of our progress. Thank you for your patience as we work to fully resolve this."

While some users have been moaning about issues with the service for whay appears to be couple of days, reports of problems surged in the UK this morning, with the number of users reportin an issue rising from less than 20 to more than 1,300 in two hours, ITVreports. 

It seems even more than that have flocked to Twitter to bemoan the issue.

One user complains: "If Yahoo was #RBS they'd be fined £56m for locking us out of our accounts. How am I expected to run my business with #yahoomaildown?"

Another adds: "Nobody panic, @yahoomail are confident they will have the problem fixed by Christmas."

News of Yahoo's outage comes just days after it inked a deal with Mozilla to become the default search engine for Firefox users in the US, with the firm ditching Google after 10 years. 
Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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