[Infowarrior] - FBI Is Offended That It Isn't Allowed To Control How The Press Portrays It

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Nov 10 13:10:04 CST 2014

The FBI Is Offended That It Isn't Allowed To Control How The Press Portrays Its Deceptive Activities

from the poor-james-comey dept


The last few weeks have revealed a bunch of deceptive practices by law enforcement -- mainly the FBI. First, there was the revelation that the FBI had impersonated an online news story to install malware in trying to track a high school bomb threat. Then, there was a story from a couple of weeks ago about the FBI turning off internet access at some luxury villas in Las Vegas, and then acting as repair technicians to get inside and search the place (while filming everything). That was a story we had hoped to cover, but hadn't yet gotten to it. However, after the NY Times editorial board slammed that operation, FBI Director James Comey wrote a reply defending the FBI's "use of deception."

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And, so, apparently, not only does the FBI director think it's proper to use deceptive practices if "it works," he also thinks that the press should only report on the FBI's side of the story, furthering the deceptive practices with what's effectively propaganda. The use of deception by law enforcement is already questionable enough. Asking the press to be a willing participant in that deception is simply ridiculous.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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