[Infowarrior] - Facebook killed the internet star: reflections on radical media

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Nov 7 06:58:57 CST 2014

(c/o DG)

Facebook killed the internet star: reflections on radical media

< - >


We need a whole other way of using the internet -- Snowden put the
matter out of doubt. I don't know exactly what that is -- possibly
mass-scale VPNs (virtual private networks) - areas of the internet
which are completely away from scrutiny, or other ways that a user
can be on the internet in a cloaked or untraceable form. This already
happens amongst the tech-savvy amongst us, but these tactics need
to be widespread enough that whole political movements are using
them. At the moment we've got the opposite to this -- most people
sleepwalking their way into a surveillance state. I don't even know
how something like Indymedia could re-emerge and be as strong as
it was a decade ago, in this current climate, but sadly and ironically
it's even less likely to happen than ever seeing as people are too
seduced by the convenience of Facebook to go to the trouble of
engaging in the further efforts required to get privacy. Maybe the
Snowden revelations are sinking in, and will eventually cause a
sea-change in web behaviour, but I can't see too many signs of it

< - >

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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