[Infowarrior] - Huge Wolfenstein Download Infuriates But Doesn’t Deter Pirates

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon May 26 14:54:03 CDT 2014

Huge Wolfenstein Download Infuriates But Doesn’t Deter Pirates

	• By Andy
	• on May 26, 2014

When the PC version of Wolfenstein: The New Order dropped onto file-sharing sites last week, eager pirates had a surprise in store. Not only a great game but a staggeringly humongous 43.65 gb download. But while tempers frayed for some Wolfenstein still achieved the biggest game swarm of the week, and downloads in excess of 100,000.

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Reports suggest that the massive file size is due to uncompressed graphics textures but it comes as no surprise that some believe that annoying downloaders was in the developers’ minds. Bethesda had deliberately padded out the game with junk as a clever anti-piracy deterrent, some concluded.

While extremely unlikely, for some the big download was simply too much.

“43GB, the hell? No thanks, guess I will buy this when the price drops to £29.99,” said user u2konline.

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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