[Infowarrior] - Court Says FBI's Secret GPS Tracking Memos Can Stay Secret

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Mar 19 07:17:39 CDT 2014

Court Says FBI's Secret GPS Tracking Memos Can Stay Secret

from the government-states-black-toner-shortage-as-primary-motivator dept

Back in January 2013, the ACLU managed to pry loose two secret memos on the FBI's GPS tracking from the DOJ with a FOIA request. The only problem was that the request didn't actually free much information. The responsive documents consisted of a few scattered paragraphs … and 111 pages of black ink. 

The ACLU objected to this mockery of the words "freedom" and "information," noting that secret interpretations of existing laws is exactly the sort of thing the Freedom of Information Act was designed to discourage, not protect. So, the ACLU sued the government in hopes of being given something a little less redacted. 

That legal battle is now over. And no additional information will be freed....

< -  <


Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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