[Infowarrior] - Army & Vector Aerospace censoring news articles

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Mar 17 07:16:59 CDT 2014

Interesting to see the following articles being blocked by the US Army and Vector Aerospace mail servers for "offensive content."   Really?      --rick

From: "Mail Delivery System" <ako.postmaster at us.army.mil>
Subject: [Infowarrior] - AP: US cites security more to censor, deny records
Date: March 17, 2014 8:07:32 AM EDT
The message that you sent to an @us.army.mil user with subject "[Infowarrior] - AP: US cites security more to censor, deny records" was not accepted for delivery since it contained unauthorized content.

From: PureMessage Admin <postmaster at pathix.com>
Subject: Message Quarantined - Offensive Word/Content
Subject:	[Infowarrior] - If GCHQ wants to improve national security it mustfix our technology
Date/Time (NST):	Wed Mar 12 08:00:29 2014
The following message was quarantined by PureMessage for containing offensive word(s)/content that is against the acceptable use policy. If you think that this action is unwarranted, please contact Our Helpdesk at helpdesk at vectoraerospace.com 

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