[Infowarrior] - Computer Network Exploitation vs. Computer Network Attack

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Mar 10 07:05:40 CDT 2014

Computer Network Exploitation vs. Computer Network Attack
Bruce Schneier Mar 6 2014, 1:25 PM ET

Back when we first started getting reports of the Chinese breaking into U.S. computer networks for espionage purposes, we described it in some very strong language. We called the Chinese actions cyber-attacks. We sometimes even invoked the word cyberwar, and declared that a cyber-attack was an act of war.

When Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA has been doing exactly the same thing as the Chinese to computer networks around the world, we used much more moderate language to describe U.S. actions: words like espionage, or intelligence gathering, or spying. We stressed that it's a peacetime activity, and that everyone does it.

The reality is somewhere in the middle, and the problem is that our intuitions are based on history.

< -- big snip --  >


Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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