[Infowarrior] - Howard "Hollywood Should You" Berman lobbying for MPAA

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jul 23 16:23:00 CDT 2014

Former 'Representative From Disney' Howard Berman Makes It Official: Starts Lobbying For Hollywood

from the hollywood-howard-gets-his-payday dept


For years, Hollywood's biggest player in Congress when it came to copyright policy was Rep. Howard Berman. He was often referred to as the Representative from Disney for his willingness to always push for more expansive copyright policies. While he was sometimes called the Rep from Hollywood, I believe his actual district was "adjacent to" Hollywood, though it "included parts of" Hollywood as well. Either way, in 2012, thanks to redistricting, Berman went up against another longterm LA Representative, Brad Sherman, and lost. Berman quickly became a lobbyist, and now it's come out that he's officially lobbying for the MPAA on "issues related to intellectual property protection" because of course he is. Not much else to say about this other than it's yet another example of the revolving door and the nature of back-scratching that happens in DC.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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