[Infowarrior] - Amusing tidbit regarding World Cup videos

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jul 9 15:57:44 CDT 2014

Pornhub pleads with users to stop uploading videos of Brazil 'getting f**ked by Germany' in the World Cup

'Our public humiliation category is full,' says porn site

Christopher Hooton  
Wednesday 09 July 2014

In the world's continuing mission to completely humiliate Brazil in the wake of its 7-1 World Cup semi-final defeat to Germany, adult site Pornhub has allegedly been flooded with highlights of the game.

Footage of the goals bearing the title 'Young Brazilians get f**ked by entire German soccer team' (and other more explicit variants) quickly sprang up following the game (at least according to hundreds of screen grabs circulating Twitter), with the site eventually asking football fans to cease with the gag whilst getting a swipe in at Brazil's performance itself.

"Please stop uploading the game highlights to Pornhub... Our public humiliation category is full. #BrazilvsGermany," it tweeted.

Brazil suffered arguably the worst defeat in World Cup history in Belo Horizonte last night, conceding three goals in 76 seconds.

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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