[Infowarrior] - Ukranian gov's influence ops via mobile

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jan 22 07:22:32 CST 2014

Text messages warn Ukraine protesters they are 'participants in mass riot'

Mobile phone-users near scene of violent clashes in Kiev receive texts in apparent attempt by authorities to quell protests


"Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass riot."

This was the message received by mobile phone-users present near the scene of violent clashes in Kiev early on Tuesday morning, in what appeared to be a novel attempt by authorities to quell the protests that have swept through the city and turned violent on Sunday night.

The language echoed the wording of tough new laws on public gatherings, the passing of which served as a spark for the radicalisation of the protest movement over the weekend. The laws went into effect on Tuesday, and provide for jail sentences of up to 15 years for participating in mass riots.

Prosecutor general Viktor Pshonka issued a statement on Monday calling the disturbances in Kiev "crimes against the state". Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovych, said he had tried to listen to peaceful demands but would use "all legal methods provided for by the laws of Ukraine to guarantee public safety".

Kiev city authorities say that 122 protesters were wounded in the clashes, which broke out on Sunday night and saw pitched battles between lines of riot police and angry protesters.

But the organisers say 1,400 people needed medical attention, adding that most were too scared to report their injuries for fear of being accused of participating in mass riots. The police say 163 police officers have been injured in the clashes.

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It was not immediately clear how the messages had been distributed. The interior ministry denied involvement, though said it was studying video footage to determine the most "active participants" in the riots and arrest them.

Telephone provider MTS issued a statement saying it had not been responsible for sending out the messages. "Today we started receiving complaints from users in central Kiev who all received SMS messages from the number 111, containing identical text. We have nothing to do with the distribution."

Another provider, Kyivstar, also said it was innocent of involvement. A statement said: "We strictly observe the confidentiality of our users, their telephone numbers and locations … We know that there is equipment, so-called 'pirate base stations', which allow SMS distribution or calls to all mobile telephone numbers of all operators within a particular area. But, as an operator, we are unable to identify the activity of these stations."

  Members of the Ukrainian riot police are caught in a fire caused by gasoline bombs hurled by anti-government protesters. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
On Independence Square, a representative of the impromptu medical service set up to help wounded protesters said he believed that their telephone lines were being monitored by authorities, and advised all of those injured to leave hospital if at all possible.

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