[Infowarrior] - Senate staffer tries to scrub 'torture' reference from Wikipedia's CIA torture article

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Dec 12 14:00:13 CST 2014

Senate staffer tries to scrub 'torture' reference from Wikipedia's CIA torture article

Image: Mashable, Bob Al-Greene

By Brian Ries

An anonymous Wikipedia user from an IP address that is registered to United States Senate has tried, and failed, to remove a phrase with the word "torture" from the website's article on the Senate Intelligence Committee's blockbuster CIA torture report.

The unknown individual has attempted on at least two occasions — first on Dec. 9 and then on Dec. 10 — to remove a line describing the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques as "a euphemism for torture."

n both instances the anonymous editor explained that he or she was "removing bias" from the article. And each time the revision was overruled.

The debate over the classification of "torture" for the CIA's techniques has played out in the halls of Congress, on Sunday talk shows and behind closed doors. Wikipedia appears to be the latest battleground over public opinion as many, now, ponder the legalities of some of the more aggressive techniques used by CIA officers during the decade-long war on terror.

The United Nations, joined by a number of human rights groups, have called for the prosecution of U.S. officials who were responsible for the CIA torture program.

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