[Infowarrior] - Blackberry launching invasive 'takeover' ads

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Mar 25 07:40:39 CDT 2013

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These takeovers, piloted in the United Kingdom, will hit U.S. customers soon on computers and their non-Blackberry devices. BlackBerry built out two digital takeovers for desktop, first with The Guardian in the United Kingdom and now with the New York Times. “I think these are a world first,” Boulben says. Those takeovers fill your browser with ad that “takes over” your display, in this case designed to resemble the Hub feature that helps users organize their content on the new BlackBerry 10 devices. Users who see the New York Times takeover, for example, will see the takeover pull in content from the different verticals on the Times’ site feeds, its Facebook page and official tweets.

Android and iPhone users—and chances you are one, given those companies’ combined 85% market share—will also experience BlackBerry’s ad content in the form of mobile takeovers starting the week of March 25. Those mobile takeovers will fill your screen with what looks like a BlackBerry 10′s, demoing a specific feature like its photo “Time Shift” capability that allows you to scroll through several captured options for each face in a picture.

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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