[Infowarrior] - Paramount Censors Torrentz’s Torrentless Homepage from Google

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Mar 15 07:26:18 CDT 2013

Paramount Censors Torrentz’s Torrentless Homepage from Google

	• Ernesto
	• March 15, 2013


The homepage of the popular torrent search engine Torrentz disappeared from Google this week after Hollywood studio Paramount sent a peculiar DMCA takedown request. Paramount claims in the notice that the  URL links to infringing content, but there are no links to torrents or even other torrent sites on Torrentz’ homepage. The meta-search engine has filed a counterclaim and is waiting for Google to respond.

Every week copyright holders send millions of DMCA takedown notices to Google, hoping to make pirated movies and music harder to find.

Unfortunately not all of these notices are correct.

Because of the high number of often automated notices, neither the copyright holder nor the recipient can check the validity of all requests, leading to questionable take-downs.

This problem is illustrated by a recent DMCA notice sent to Google on behalf of movie studio Paramount.

The notice in question alerts Google to the existence of alleged pirated versions of “Jack Reacher” and “Rise of the Guardians” listed on the homepage of BitTorrent search engine Torrentz.eu. Interestingly, however, Torrentz doesn’t list any links to torrent files on its homepage.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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