[Infowarrior] - WH Comes Out Strongly Against Patent Trolls; Here Are The Details

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Jun 4 06:47:13 CDT 2013

President Obama Comes Out Strongly Against Patent Trolls; Here Are The Details

from the well-that's-nice dept

Back in February, we were a bit surprised during President Obama's "Fireside Hangout" when he appeared to speak out against patent trolls. Historically, most politicians had always tiptoed around the issue, in part because the pharma industry seems to view any attack on patent trolls as an existential threat -- and, frankly, because some small time patent holders can also make a lot of noise. However, it's become exceptionally clear that there's political will to take on patent trolls. We've noted five different patent law bills introduced in Congress, all targeting patent trolls in one form or another. 

And now, it's been reported that President Obama is going to come out strongly against patent trolling, directing the USPTO and others to fix certain issues, while also asking Congress to pass further laws to deal with patent trolling. The President will flat out note that patent trolls represent a "drain on the American economy." The announcement will directly say that "patent trolls" (yes, they use the phrase) are a problem, while also talking about the problem of patent thickets like the infamous "smartphone wars." 

The plan is scheduled to be released later today, but we've got a preview of the specific plan, and let's take a look at each of the suggestions quickly. I'm sure we'll be discussing the concepts in much more detail for the near future. The plan is split into two different parts: legislative actions (i.e., asking Congress to do something) and executive actions (i.e., ordering administration agencies/departments to do things). Let's start with the executive actions, since those are likely to have the more immediate impact.....

< big snip with pdf >


Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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