[Infowarrior] - Rep Rogers Staffers Claim They Can Sue Techdirt for Defamation

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Jul 30 18:06:56 CDT 2013

Staffers For Rep. Mike Rogers Apparently Claim They Could Sue Me For Defamation

from the probably-not-a-good-idea dept


I had a fun phone call with a reporter in Michigan earlier today who is apparently working on a story about Rep. Mike Rogers. In doing some research for the article, he spoke with staffers in Rogers' office about some of the things I've written about Rogers and his position on internet surveillance and cybersecurity. The reporter told me that the staffers said they're "well aware of" me, but that they felt I was "an extreme liberal" and that I was using "liberal" talking points to attack him. Also, according to this reporter, they said that they could sue me for defamation concerning things I'd said about Rogers. Yes, it's come to this. 

We stand by the things we've written about Rep. Rogers and find it rather unbecoming of an elected official to try to chill the free speech of those who criticize his statements and actions with implied threats of lawsuits to silence their public participation. 

Furthermore, it's telling that Rogers' office apparently jumps to the false conclusion that my criticisms of his statements and actions come via some sort of "partisan" prism. As I have stated repeatedly, I don't easily self-identify into the standard "left/right" political spectrum, because I don't judge things based on any sort of partisan framework. I have been equally critical of politicians who are considered "liberal" as I have been of those who are considered "conservative." My opinions are not rendered via a partisan filter, but what I consider to be what is best for this country.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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