[Infowarrior] - The Differences Between Obama And Bush On NSA Surveillance, According To Virtual Obama

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Jul 13 13:02:59 CDT 2013

The Differences Between Obama And Bush On NSA Surveillance, According To Virtual Obama

from the watch-this dept

It feels like it's been a while since I've seen Xtranormal videos, but someone who shall remain nameless has put together a rather hysterical video of President Obama explaining why massive NSA surveillance under his watch is different than when it was done by President George W. Bush. As you may recall, President Obama criticized these programs while he was "Candidate Obama," but has now expanded them massively. This video explains why -- and is likely to make you laugh:

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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