[Infowarrior] - Air travel security data? TSA has no idea

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Feb 10 15:23:18 CST 2013

Air travel security data? TSA has no idea

by Lisa Simeone on February 8, 2013

The Salt Lake Tribune has done a comprehensive, detailed analysis of TSA data, such as it is, and has concluded that . . . there isn’t much.

Over two years ago, the Salt Lake Tribune made a FOIA request that the TSA release data on the number and type of prohibited items confiscated at checkpoints — you know, those items the TSA is always bragging about in its weekly show-and-tells?

The TSA has finally released the data (yes, it took them two years). And get this — instead of releasing it in electronic form, which the SLT requested, and which, given the fact that we live in the modern world would make it easier to collate and comprehend, the TSA released reams of paper print-outs. So the SLT had to input the data into a computer by hand in order to analyze it.

There’s that crack agency for you, always on the cutting edge!

What the SLT found was that the TSA has, in fact, no idea what it’s doing. This isn’t opinion speaking; this is the data speaking...

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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