[Infowarrior] - Samsung attempts to silence YouTube complaint of Galaxy S4 fire, fails

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Dec 9 21:34:55 CST 2013

Samsung attempts to silence YouTube complaint of Galaxy S4 fire, fails
updated 07:33 pm EST, Mon December 9, 2013


Settlement offer includes comprehensive gag order preventing follow-up

Following a fire severely damaging YouTube user Ghostlyrich's Samsung Galaxy S4, the Korean manufacturer wanted proof that the device was damaged in the manner that the user reported, prior to any replacement or repair offer being made. Ghostlyrich uploaded a video showing the damage, with a melted case and visibly damaged internal hardware. In a settlement offer mailed to the user, Samsung demanded the video be removed before it would send out a replacement, with other extreme terms.

The user claimed that he plugged in the phone prior to retiring for the night, and woke up to a charred plastic smell. He allegedly used an official Samsung charger and cable, and showed both on the original video. 

Ghostlyrich said that he had no problem with removing the original video, but refused to agree to the remainder of Samsung's terms which included never discussing the incident with anyone. He then posted a video discussing the situation so far. The original video garnered 120,000 views. The "retaliation" video has been viewed 475,000 times after some technology press coverage.

The user contrasted a positive service response with a previous service problem he had with an Apple iPhone, Microsoft's reasonable response to a red ring of death Xbox, and Samsung's legal response to the burned phone. He noted that Samsung demand that he "take responsibility" for the phone catching fire, and demanded that he not discuss the settlement in any way, with any person, including further videos. Ghostlyrich has obviously violated the terms of the settlement, with no response from Samsung at this time.

Read more: http://www.electronista.com/articles/13/12/09/settlement.offer.includes.comprehensive.gag.order.preventing.follow.up/#ixzz2n2VaQP4b
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