[Infowarrior] - Feinstein And Rogers Scaremongering, con't.

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Dec 2 12:16:01 CST 2013

Feinstein And Rogers Try To Scare Americans With Ooga Booga Terrorism Threats

from the halloween-was-a-month-ago dept


It appears that the heads of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, Senator Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Mike Rogers, are recognizing that their strategy for keeping their co-dependent relationship with the NSA going is failing and that the American public and an increasingly large segment of Congress no longer believes their bogus claims. Perhaps that's because every time they open their mouths, it takes all of about an hour before many of their claims are completely debunked, if not outright mocked for obviously being bogus. So their latest strategy? To basically yell "Ooga Booga Terrorists!" as loud as they can to try to scare people based on absolutely nothing. 

< - >

Either way, this whole thing -- having both appear together, both making vague "we're all going to die" statements without any details to back it up combined with an exceptionally misleading use of statistics -- suggests that this is the typical FUD.  It's Feinstein and Rogers shouting "terror" in a crowded theater, because they know that they've already lost public opinion on this, and are quickly losing Congress as well.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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