[Infowarrior] - DNI Clapper to estalbish 'independent' review board

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Aug 12 17:55:08 CDT 2013

Confessed Liar To Congress, James Clapper, Gets To Set Up The 'Independent' Review Over NSA Surveillance

from the uh,-that's-not-independent dept

Well, this is rather incredible. Remember on Friday how one of President Obama's efforts to get people to trust the government more concerning the NSA's surveillance efforts was to create an "outside" and "independent" board to review it all? Specifically, he said:

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Okay. Outside, independent. Sure, that might help. Except, that was Friday. Today is Monday. And, on Monday we learn that "outside" and "independent" actually means setup by Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper -- the same guy who has already admitted to lying to Congress about the program, and has received no punishment for doing so. This is independent? From this we're supposed to expect real oversight?!?

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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