[Infowarrior] - As Congress Debates CISPA, Companies Admit No Real Damage From Cyberattacks

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Apr 10 17:02:26 CDT 2013

As Congress Debates CISPA, Companies Admit No Real Damage From Cyberattacks

from the the-truth-is-so-inconvenient dept

Since the beginning of the cybersecurity FUDgasm from Congress, we've been asking for proof of the actual problem. All we get are stories about how airplanes might fall from the sky, but not a single, actual example of any serious problem. Recently, some of the rhetoric shifted to how it wasn't necessarily planes falling from the sky but Chinese hackers eating away at our livelihoods by hacking into computers to get our secrets and destroy our economy. Today, Congress is debating CISPA (in secret) based on this assumption. There's just one problem: it's still not true. 

The 27 largest companies have now admitted to the SEC that cyberattacks are basically meaningless and have done little to no damage....

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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