[Infowarrior] - Doctorow: Obama's regressive record makes Nixon look like Che

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Apr 8 12:17:10 CDT 2013

Obama's regressive record makes Nixon look like Che

Cory Doctorow at 9:06 am Mon, Apr 8

Redditor Federal Reservations has made a handy post enumerating all the regressive, authoritarian, corporatist policies enacted by the Obama administration in its one-and-a-bit terms. You know, for someone the right wing press likes to call a socialist, Obama sure makes Richard Nixon look like Che Guevara. And what's more, this is only a partial list, and excludes the parade of copyright horrors and bad Internet policy emanating from the White House, via Joe Biden's push for Six Strikes, the US Trade Rep's push for secret Internet censorship and surveillance treaties like TPP and ACTA and TAFTA; the DoJ's push to criminalize every Internet user by expanding the CFAA, and much, much more.

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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