[Infowarrior] - The Real Reason Janet Napolitano Doesn't Like Email -- Accountability

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Apr 3 06:34:22 CDT 2013

The Real Reason Janet Napolitano Doesn't Like Email -- Accountability

from the don't-make-me-back-up-my-statements dept

We've already detailed the cognitive dissonance created by DHS head Janet Napolitano's statements on email usage. Last September, she blithely pointed out that she doesn't use email "at all," and in fact, "avoids many online services." She went on to say that some would call her a "Luddite" and seemed to present the incongruous situation as comical. Hilarity ensued. Powerful government official says, "What, me internet?" LOLS at 11. 

So, we all had a good, if disbelieving laugh at her our own expense (we're still paying her salary), and Janet Napolitano went back to not checking the email account she doesn't have and not internetting with any regularity -- the sort of thing that might be considering endearing if it weren't for the fact that so many politicians openly brag about their lack of computer skills, while simultaneously crafting, amending, voting on a variety of computer-related laws

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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