[Infowarrior] - British Intelligence Looking for Recruits with Gaming Skills

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Oct 19 08:06:13 CDT 2012

(By contrast, US intelligence officials were absolutely thrilled to know they hired an awesome gamer named Leeroy Jenkins.  --rick)

British Intelligence Looking for Recruits with Gaming Skills

4:30 AM - October 19, 2012 by Jane McEntegart - source: Tom's Hardware US


The UK's Government Communications Head Quarters, also known as GCHQ, has announced a new apprenticeship scheme for young people and is specifically looking for recruits from the "Xbox generation." Foreign Secretary William Hague announced the new scheme during a speech at Bletchley Park, home to the National Codes Centre and the National Museum of Computing.

"[...] Today, I am announcing a new development programme for Apprentices, which will help to identify and develop talent in school and university age students and give opportunities to 70 new recruits for GCHQ and our other Intelligence Agencies," said Hague, adding that GCHQ will no longer only recruit annual, nor will it be looking only for those with a university degree. Instead, the Government Communications HQ will be looking for individuals with relevant experience or vocation  qualifications as part of an effort to attract a wide pool of talent.

Hague said if the UK is to maintain a leading role on cyber issues, it must 'harness' experts from the 'Xbox generation' who have grown up a digital world filled with social media, interactive gaming, and global connectivity.

The Foreign Office says those participating in the SIA Apprentices scheme will be part of a two-year program that will offer a Foundation degree in Communications, Security and Engineering from De Montfort University and a Level 4 Diploma in IT, Software, Web and Telecommunications Professional competence.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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