[Infowarrior] - Megaupload Is Dead. Long Live Mega!

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Oct 18 20:25:16 CDT 2012

Megaupload Is Dead. Long Live Mega!

	• By Charles Graeber
	• 10.18.12
	• 6:30 AM

They’ve been indicted by the U.S. government for conspiracy and briefly thrown in jail, but Kim Dotcom and his partners in the digital storage locker Megaupload have no intention of quitting the online marketplace.

Instead the co-defendants plan to introduce a much-anticipated new technology later this year that will allow users to once again upload, store, and share large data files, albeit by different rules. They  revealed details of the new service exclusively to Wired.

They call it Mega and describe it as a unique tool that will solve the liability problems faced by cloud storage services, enhance the privacy rights of internet users, and provide themselves with a simple  new business. Meanwhile, critics fear that Mega is simply a revamped version of Megaupload, cleverly designed to skirt the old business’s legal issues without addressing the concerns of Internet piracy.

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