[Infowarrior] - DHS: Our Reports To Congress Are Successful Bulls--t

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Oct 9 12:48:00 CDT 2012

(The last line is telling -- one only wonders how much other official fiction 'generates interest' for  idiotic government programs.  --rick)

DHS: Our Reports To Congress Are Successful Bullsh--t

from the yeah,-we-already-kinda-figured dept

Okay, it's official. I no longer believe that our Department of Homeland Security is an actual government agency with important work to do. No, I now believe that it is a series of highly subtle performance art pieces designed to make us laugh at the sheer audacity of dumb government. We already know about the agency's boss, who is in charge of cybersecurity, not bothering to use the internet. And then there is the DHS's highly touted fusion centers being both a waste of money and a detriment to the very freedoms they're supposedly protecting.

But Tim K writes in about a rather stunning admission by DHS officials of a bogus DHS report on a water pumping facility. It essentially amounts to: "sure the report is a complete lie, but it was a successful lie." Don't believe me?

Officials behind the false claims told Senate investigators that such reports weren’t meant to be “finished intelligence” and that despite their report’s inaccuracies and sloppy wording they considered it to be a “success.”

“[It did] exactly what it’s supposed to do – generate interest,” DHS officials told Senate investigators.

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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