[Infowarrior] - Fwd: Lamar Smith gets billboard right outside his San Antonio office

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed May 23 16:58:22 CDT 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Chris
> http://fightforthefuture.org/billboard
> SOPA sponsor Lamar Smith came close to destroying the Internet we love (it took the largest online protest in history to stop him). So we thought it would be awesome if the internet sent Lamar a message, in the form of a billboard right outside his Texas office.
> Your donations funded *two* billboards in less than two days, which ruled. Thanks! Plus, our friends atBreadpig made t-shirts to support our new project, the Internet Defense League. You can buy one here.
> This is an election year, and we've got a lot planned. Right now we're scrambling to organize Senate constituent meetings to stop CISPA / Lieberman-Collins. The Internet Defense League is gearing up to build the network that stopped SOPA into an ongoing force for good. We'll be taking aim at the US "6-strikes" regime. And even bigger things are in the works for the November election.
> Check out our past work, and if you're impressed, make a generous donation. We're a small team and we've had a huge impact so far. Your support will go a long way.
> P.S. We'd love to see photos of people who took part in the blackout standing in front of the billboard. Send them to team at fightforthefuture.org :)
> (The first is as close to his San Antonio office as we could get: Loop 410, 500 ft. east of Nacogdoches. And the second is on Lamar Blvd. in Austin between 12th St and 15th St --his Austin office doesn't have any billboards nearby.)

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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