[Infowarrior] - Google Wins Patent Verdict In Oracle Trial

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed May 23 14:18:26 CDT 2012

May 23, 2012, 2:46 p.m. ET
UPDATE: Google Wins Patent Verdict In Oracle Trial
   By John Letzing 


SAN FRANCISCO (Dow Jones)--A federal jury said Wednesday that Google Inc. (GOOG) didn't infringe Oracle Corp. (ORCL) patents that protect Oracle's Java technology, handing Google an incremental victory in the companies' ongoing trial.

Oracle sued Google in August 2010, alleging that Google's Android mobile phone software infringes patents and copyrights that protect Java. Oracle had obtained Java just months earlier, when it purchased Java developer Sun Microsystems.

The verdict delivered Wednesday marks the end of the second, patent phase of the trial, with a third phase yet to come that will determine whatever damages Google may owe.

The first part of the trial, which had covered Oracle's claims that Google infringed copyrights that protect Java, ended with a mixed verdict.

While that verdict clearly found that Google infringed on a relatively small portion of Java code protected by copyright, Oracle has indicated it will pursue a significant amount of related damages.

Oracle, of Redwood Shores, Calif., had originally asserted a handful of patents have been infringed in its complaint, though the number was cut down to two by the time the trial began in San Francisco last month.

"Today's jury verdict that Android does not infringe Oracle's patents was a victory not just for Google but the entire Android ecosystem," a Google spokesman said in a statement.

An Oracle spokeswoman said in a statement, "Oracle presented overwhelming evidence at trial that Google knew it would fragment and damage Java. We plan to continue to defend and uphold Java's core write once run anywhere principle and ensure it is protected."

The trial between Silicon Valley giants has drawn widespread attention, as a prime example of the current wave of litigation between tech firms related to intellectual property disputes.

Google has complained publicly that rivals such as Oracle have sought to undercut Android with frivolous patent litigation.

Android, which is provided for free to device makers, has grown to become the most popular smartphone software platform in the world.

-By John Letzing, Dow Jones Newswires; 415-765-8230; john.letzing at dowjones.com

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