[Infowarrior] - It's too early to bury a news story

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri May 4 14:45:27 CDT 2012

This kind of stuff normally comes out after 5PM ET on Friday .... not mid-afternoon!!    -- rick

U.S. Announces Compromise on Fracking Disclosure
Published: May 4, 2012

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Friday issued a proposed rule governing hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas on public lands that will for the first time require disclosure of the chemicals used in the process.

But in a significant concession to the oil industry, companies will have to reveal the composition of fluids only after they have completed drilling, not before — a sharp change from the government’s original proposal, which would have required disclosure of the chemicals 30 days before a well could be started.        

The walkback of the rule followed a series of meetings at the White House after the original regulation was proposed in February. Lobbyists representing oil industry trade associations and individual major producers like ExxonMobil, XTO Energy, Apache, Samson Resources and Anadarko Petroleum met with officials of the Office of Management and Budget, who reworked the rule to address industry concerns about overlapping state regulations and the cost of compliance.

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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