[Infowarrior] - Fwd: IW: Meet The Hackers Who Sell Spies The Tools To Crack Your PC (And Get Paid Six-Figure Fees)

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Mar 21 14:27:03 CDT 2012

c/o AJR

Begin forwarded message:

> http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/03/21/meet-the-hackers-who-sell-spies-the-tools-to-crack-your-pc-and-get-paid-six-figure-fees/
> "A team of hackers from French security firm Vupen were playing by different rules. They declined to enter Google’s contest 
> and instead dismantled Chrome’s security to win an HP-sponsored hackathon at the same conference. And while Google paid a 
> $60,000 award to each of the two hackers who won its event on the condition that they tell Google every detail of their 
> attacks and help the company fix the vulnerabilities they had used, Vupen’s chief executive and lead hacker, Chaouki Bekrar, 
> says his company never had any intention of telling Google its secret techniques—certainly not for $60,000 in chump change."

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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