[Infowarrior] - RIP Ray Bradbury

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jun 6 09:40:19 CDT 2012

Ray Bradbury dies: Author of ‘Fahrenheit 451’ and ‘Martian Chronicles’ was 91

By Associated Press, Wednesday, June 6, 10:32 AM


LOS ANGELES — Ray Bradbury has died at 91 after a lengthy career of writing everything from science-fiction and mystery to humor.

Reached at Bradbury’s home, his daughter, Alexandra Bradbury, says her father died Tuesday night in Southern California. She did not have additional details.

Bradbury transformed his childhood dreams and Cold War fears into telepathic Martians, lovesick sea monsters, and his vision of a high-tech, book-burning future in “Fahrenheit 451.”

He also scripted the 1956 film version of “Moby Dick” and wrote for “The Twilight Zone.”

Bradbury’s series of stories in “The Martian Chronicles” was a Cold War morality tale in which events on another planet served as a commentary on life on this planet. It has been published in more than 30 languages.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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