[Infowarrior] - Fox News Ties Flame Malware To Angry Birds Because Both Use LUA

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Jun 5 08:11:19 CDT 2012

This Is Reporting? Fox News Ties Flame Malware To Angry Birds Because Both Use LUA

from the wow dept


We're often told that the big media companies need to be saved because of all the important expensive reporting work they do. And then we see something absolutely ridiculous, such as Fox News linking the infamous Flame malware to Angry Birds... because both use the LUA computing language (found via Slashdot):

[ image ]

This is, of course, a complete pointless linkage, which seems to serve no purpose whatsoever, other than (perhaps) to attract the attention of those who are obsessed with Angry Birds (an admittedly large group of people). But just because two programs are written in the same language, it doesn't mean... well, it doesn't mean anything of importance whatsoever. Instead, it just seems like Fox News and its "Chief Intelligence Correspondent" Catherine Herridge needed to fill some space and came up with something entirely pointless. But, you know, we need those big professional news companies because of deep, hard-hitting stories like this one.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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