[Infowarrior] - RIAA Can't Figure Out Google's Takedown Tools; Blames Google

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Jun 1 13:53:19 CDT 2012

RIAA Can't Figure Out Google's Takedown Tools; Blames Google

from the pebkac dept


With the release of Google's copyright transparency report recently, which helped highlight some astoundingly stupid DMCA takedown notices -- including a few from the RIAA -- you just knew the RIAA would have to lash out in response. But the question was what angle would it take. Now we know: it's simply making things up. 

The RIAA put up a blog post in which it listed out "five facts" to attack Google's transparency report claims. Except, this is RIAA math. If you actually read the "facts" you realize they're basically two points repeated over and over again: (1) Google limits how many searches they can do to find infringing material. (2) Google limits how many infringing domains it can report via its Webmaster tools.

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In other words, we can sum up the RIAA's complaint about Google's copyright transparency report as being "the transparency report is wrong, because we're clueless about how to work your tools." Given the RIAA's general (lack of) understanding about technology, perhaps that's not too surprising. But it is amusing to see them so stringently and publicly display their ignorance.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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