[Infowarrior] - Passengers could be asked to give drink samples to TSA

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Jul 5 08:50:02 CDT 2012

Isn't TSA supposed to be screening things like food/packages/drinks that are sold at airports behind security?  What's the true reason here?  Is there something credible reported? Is TSA trying to show its relevance during the summer travel season during an election year?  Or did TSA drop the ball on something? (again)

We have become a nation that believes not in effective risk management but idiotic and ineffective actions in pursuit of total risk aversion locked away from any semblance of competent accountability by a cloak of secrecy.  

-- rick  

Passenger could be asked to give drink samples to TSA

The TSA would not say what they are testing for or why they are doing it, but travelers say they have a right to know

Author: Janelle Ericsson, Reporter, Jericsson at kjct8.com


POSTED: 06:45 PM MDT Jul 03, 2012 


Passengers say their problem is not with the rules at the airport. They understand why drinks are not allowed through security, but when they buy one while they wait for their flight, they say the TSA should not ask to test it.

Passengers say traveling is a big enough stress, but now some are worried the drinks they are getting are not safe.

The TSA would not say what they are testing for or why they are doing it, but travelers say they have a right to know.

"I'm always glad that my safety is a priority, I just think testing drinks after they've already been bought might be a little extreme," infrequent flyer Jennifer Smart said.

"The water or or the juices or anything you buy here in the airport, TSA is going to come over and look and check and test it? That's just ridiculous," world traveler Thomas Burgard said.

We asked the TSA about the drink testings and they said, "TSA employees have many layers of security throughout airports. Passengers may be randomly selected for additional screening measures at the checkpoint or in the gate at any time."

Passengers we spoke to also said they think the price of drinks are too expensive. If security is going to test them, it should be before they are purchased, so they do not waste their money.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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