[Infowarrior] - Newshour: After 9/11, Suspicions Fall on Some Shoppers

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Sep 8 11:22:33 CDT 2011

Sad viewing/reading.  I suggest you not watch it while eating or having sharp objects lying around. 

The piece begins:    "You're looking at the front line of America's war on terror, the Mall of America, near Minneapolis, one of the biggest malls in the country.....The mall has created its own private counterterrorism unit. And they look out for what they call suspicious persons."    

Welcome to the United States of Paranoia, people.     --- rick

After 9/11, Suspicions Fall on Some Shoppers

After 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security created the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative to help spot potential terrorists, while the Mall of America launched its own security program. NPR and the Center for Investigative Reporting report how such efforts aimed at security affect our civil liberties.

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