[Infowarrior] - E-PARASITES' Sponsor, Lamar Smith, Was Against Massive Regulatory Compliance The Day Before He's For It

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Oct 27 15:47:07 CDT 2011

E-PARASITES' Sponsor, Lamar Smith, Was Against Massive Regulatory Compliance The Day Before He's For It

from the do-they-even-know-what-they're-doing? dept

Sometimes you just shake your head and wonder. As you now know, Rep. Lamar Smith just introduced the E-PARASITES Act, which puts incredibly massive regulatory compliance costs on large portions of the internet. Perhaps you think that Congress burdening companies -- especially tech companies, which, recent studies have shown, are responsible for much of the job growth in this country -- is par for the course. But, isn't it interesting to see that just the day before E-PARASITES came out, the House Judiciary Committee cleared a bill to try to limit the costs of regulatory compliance. The main supporter of the bill? You guessed it -- none other than the head of the House Judiciary Committee... Rep. Lamar Smith:

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So, basically, on Tuesday, Rep. Lamar Smith is against damaging regulations that increase compliance costs on the American economy and small businesses. Then, on Wednesday, he introduces a bill that will establish massive regulatory compliance costs on tons of American small businesses. Kinda makes you wonder if he even understands the legislation he's introducing.


Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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