[Infowarrior] - UCD to investigate police use of pepper spray

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Nov 19 19:17:40 CST 2011

California university to investigate police use of pepper spray - CNN.com
By the CNN Wire Staff


(CNN) -- University of California Davis' chancellor Saturday called police use of pepper spray on Occupy protesters "chilling" and established a task force to look into the incident.

The startling video broadcast by CNN Sacramento affiliate KOVR showed an officer, in a sweeping motion, spraying seated protesters point blank Friday before other officers moved in. Eleven people were treated on site for effects of the spray. Two of them were sent to the hospital, university officials said.

"Yesterday was not a day that would make anyone on our campus proud; indeed the events of the day need to guide us forward as we try to make our campus a better place of inquiry, debate, and even dissent," Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi said in a statement.

UC Davis spokeswoman Claudia Morain told CNN that 25 tents were in place Friday afternoon -- despite fliers explaining the campus prohibits overnight camping.

After written and verbal warnings, officers reminded the protesters they would be subject to arrest if they did not move their tents, Morain said.

A group of protesters sat on a path with their arms interlocked as police moved in to remove the tents.

At one point, protesters encircled the officers and blocked them from leaving, the spokeswoman said. Cut off from backup, the officers determined the situation was not safe and asked people several times to make room, Morain said. One officer used pepper spray when a couple of protesters and some of the 200 bystanders moved in, she added.

Ten people were arrested during the faceoff, she said late Friday. Tentative charges were failure to disperse and lodging without permission.

Morain said the pepper spray was used in lieu of batons. "Obviously they use this only as a last resort," she said of the officers.

Katehi said the incident followed week-long peaceful demonstrations about the campus, the cost of higher education and other issues.

"During the early afternoon hours and because of the request to take down the tents, many students decided to dismantle their tents, a decision for which we are very thankful," she wrote. "However, a group of students and non-campus affiliates decided to stay. The university police then came to dismantle the encampment. ... As indicated in various videos, the police used pepper spray against the students who were blocking the way. The use of pepper spray as shown on the video is chilling to us all and raises many questions about how best to handle situations like this."

Katehi said a task force made of faculty, students and staff will review the events and provide a report within 90 days.

"This report will help inform our policies and processes within the university administration and the Police Department to help us avoid similar outcomes in the future," she said.

Officials also will review policies on how students express their opinions.

UC Davis police were scheduled to comment Saturday evening.

CNN's Marlena Baldacci contributed to this report.

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