[Infowarrior] - Obama asks FBI director to stay on for two more years

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu May 12 12:07:50 CDT 2011

Obama asks FBI director to stay on for two more years

By Sam Youngman	 - 05/12/11 12:28 PM ET


President Obama has asked FBI Director Robert Mueller to stay on as head of the nation's largest crime-fighting agency for another two years.

While Mueller would have to be confirmed by the Senate, the agency head, tapped by former President George W. Bush to lead the FBI, is "the gold standard" for leading the bureau, Obama said in a statement.

"Given the ongoing threats facing the United States, as well as the leadership transitions at other agencies like the Defense Department and Central Intelligence Agency, I believe continuity and stability at the FBI is critical at this time," Obama said.

Mueller came to the FBI just days before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Obama praised the long-time director for transforming the bureau "into a pre-eminent counterterrorism agency."

"He has shown extraordinary leadership and effectiveness at protecting our country every day since," Obama said.

"He has impeccable law enforcement and national security credentials, a relentless commitment to the rule of law, unquestionable integrity and independence and a steady hand that has guided the Bureau as it confronts our most serious threats," Obama said.

The Senate unanimously confirmed Mueller for the position in 2001.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is retiring and Obama has nominated CIA Director Leon Panetta to succeed him at the Pentagon. Gen. David Petraeus has been nominated to replace Panetta.

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