[Infowarrior] - IP Group Wants to Apply New Rights Protections to .Net

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed May 11 06:58:29 CDT 2011


Urgent: Now Intellectual Property Group Wants to Apply New Rights Protections to .Net

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Make your voice heard now.

(After reading this article I recommend reading more details about what this means.) Earlier this week I wrote about how a draft version of the business constituency’s comments about VeriSign’s renewal of the .net contract requested that uniform rapid suspension be added to .net. Thankfully the business constituency didn’t include that provision in its final comments.

But the Intellectual Property Constituency did:

Once the post-launch rights protection mechanisms called for in the new gTLD registry agreements are up and running, .NET should be obligated to participate in them. Notably, .NET should be required to make the uniform rapid suspension (URS) system available as an efficient and expeditious method of dealing with clear-cut cases of abusive registrations in .NET. The renewal agreement should set forth a process for ICANN to specify the date upon which these obligations will become effective for the .NET registry, along with an adequate transition period for the registry operator to put the necessary procedures into place.

In other words, the IP group wants to retroactively apply new and untested rights protections to one of the original top level domain names.

You still have time to comment on the .net renewal agreement by sending an email to net-agreement-renewal at icann.org.

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