[Infowarrior] - Japan earthquake: disaster by numbers

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Mar 15 08:06:19 CDT 2011

Japan earthquake: disaster by numbers

The earthquake and tsunami that has struck Japan has left a trial of devastation and sparked fears of a nuclear disaster. Here is a look at the disaster by numbers as of Tuesday lunchtime.

By Andrew Hough, and Martin Evans 12:45PM GMT 15 Mar 2011


2,414 – Number of people confirmed dead.

10,000 – Likely final death toll figure is set to reach beyond that mark.

15,000 - Number of people unaccounted for.

50 – Number of Britons missing, presumed dead.

550,000 – Evacuated from their homes since the quake struck on Friday.

215,000 – People sheltering in makeshift rescue centres in the worst hit areas.

Two – Number of people found alive in rubble four days after quake.

£387 billion – amount wiped off Nikkei 225 stock market in 2 days.

16 per cent - The amount the Japanese market has fallen over two days.

Three per cent – The amount the FTSE100 has fallen in early trading Tuesday.

£ 100 billion – Estimated total repair bill.

400 millisieverts (mSv )– Radiation levels recorded every hour near No. 4 reactor at Fukushima Daiichi.

100 mSv - Exposure in a year which can lead to cancer.

2 mSv – Natural amount of radiation people exposed to in a year.

20 times - the annual exposure for some nuclear-industry employees and uranium miners.

350 mSv - criterion for relocating people after the Chernobyl accident.

Four – Total number of reactors at Fukushima that have overheated and exploded out of six.

Six- Scale of gravity out of total seven, given for Fukushima plant by the French Nuclear Safety Authority, France’s Nuclear watchdog. The 1979 accident at Three Mile Island rates five while Chernobyl is put at seven.

20 km (12 miles) – The size of the exclusion zone set up around the Fukushima nuclear power station.

200,000 – Number of people evacuated from the exclusion zone around crippled nuclear plant.

140,000 – Number of people living six miles beyond exclusion zone warned to stay indoors amid radiation threats.

750 - Number of workers evacuated from the plant since Tuesday.

1,650 – People tested for radioactive contamination.

19 miles – Area of no-fly zone imposed around the reactors.

155 miles - Distance from plant that radiation levels have been detected in Tokyo.

10 times - Radiation level in the Japanese capital reported above normal.

22 trillion yen (£166bn) – Record amount The Bank of Japan made available to banks on Monday.

£3 – The fall in the price of benchmark Brent crude oil on Tuesday.

100,000 – Number of Japanese soldiers sent to the affected region to assist with the growing humanitarian crisis.

2,050 – Number of evacuation centres set up in north east Japan.

5 million – Homes left without power.

1.5 million – People without access to water.

76,000 - Number of buildings damaged.

6,300 - Number of buildings completely destroyed.

4,700 – Calls received by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from concerned relatives about missing Britons.

9.0 –Magnitude of Friday’s quake.

8.2 – The magnitude of earthquake the Fukushima nuclear plant was designed to withstand.

9.8 – The number of inches the earth was thrown off its axis by the powerful quake.

7.8 – In feet, the amount Japan was shifted from its normal position.

1,000 – The number of times more powerful the earthquake was than the recent one that devastated Christchurch in New Zealand.

102 – Number of countries offering “assistance”.

63 – Members of UK search and rescue team dispatched to Japan to assist with relief mission.

Sources: Telegraph/Reuters/AFP/AP/Bloomberg

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