[Infowarrior] - DHS Alert on Movie Plot Airport Threat

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jul 6 14:20:04 CDT 2011

Methinks DHS finally saw "The Dark Knight"  ..... either that or they need something to distract people about the horrible economy.

-- rick


U.S. Warns Terrorists May Try To Surgically Implant Explosives In Humans To Blow Up Jets
Zeke Miller	 | Jul. 6, 2011, 9:56 AM |

Federal law enforcement officials have warned airlines that terrorists seeking to blow up commercial jets may seek to surgically implant explosives in their bodies, the Associated Press is reporting.

Citing an unnamed security official, the AP says the warning is not in response to a specific plot, but that there is new intelligence terrorist groups are considering using the tactic.

The Transportation Security Administration says passengers may experience longer-than-usual screening procedures when traveling into the United States in response to the advisory.

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