[Infowarrior] - ep. Peter King Wants Treasury Dept. To Put Wikileaks On Terrorist List

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Jan 13 17:11:12 CST 2011

(BTW King has his own history with allegedly supporting terrorism via the IRA.   http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/01/07/peter_king_ira_bombing_survivor)

Rep. Peter King Wants Treasury Dept. To Put Wikileaks On Terrorist List

from the overreact-much? dept


Apparently Rep. Peter King is in a competition with Senator Joe Lieberman to see who can overreact more to Wikileaks. It seems like a neck-and-neck competition, with Peter King's brand of craziness potentially taking the lead. King, of course, was the guy who insisted that Wikileaks should be declared a terrorist organization and claimed (with nothing whatsoever to back this up) that the cable leak was worse than a military attack. His latest move is to ask Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to add Wikileaks to the Treasury Department's "Specially Designated National and Blocked Persons List," which is usually used to designate terrorist and organized crime operations. 

So while Lieberman merely used political pressure to get companies to block or censor Wikileaks, King wants it to become official government policy that no US companies or individuals should be doing anything with Wikileaks. Overreact much?

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