[Infowarrior] - MPAA hires first technology policy officer

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jan 5 13:16:48 CST 2011

Anyone care to offer alternate job titles?   'Chief DRM Proponent' or 'Chief Defender of Failing Industry Models' or 'Chief Gas Lamp Lighter' would be more accurate, don'tcha think? --- rick

Paul Brigner Hired as MPAA's First Chief Technology Policy Officer

1:36 PM 1/5/2011 by Alex Ben Block


The Motion Picture Association of America, which has taken a leading role in protecting entertainment content worldwide, has created a new position for a chief technology policy officer to spearhead issues impacting the protection of intellectual property. 

Paul Brigner, who has also been named senior vice president, will report to Bob Pisano, MPAA president and interim CEO, and will be based at Washington, D.C. headquarters when he begins on Jan. 10. He will also be involved in creating industry standards to help consumers access content in the digital era. 
“Paul’s depth and breadth of experience will be crucial as he helps steer our members through a rapidly changing technological landscape. With his counsel, we will continue to strike a balance between protecting the intellectual property rights of our members and our continuing desire to provide fans around the world with the content they enjoy in the format of their choice,” Pisano said in a statement. 
Brigner, who has a MBA and law degree from Georgetown, most recently was executive director, Internet and technology policy for Verizon, and held senior positions at  Digital Focus and Cambridge Technology Partners. 

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