[Infowarrior] - Apple bans Android magazine app

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Nov 29 13:57:09 CST 2010

(c/o MC)

Apple bans Android magazine app

Posted by Philip Elmer-DeWitt
November 26, 2010 6:27 PM

Tells a Danish publisher he can't sell a magazine about Google's OS in Apple's App Store


Tuesday seems to have been Apple's (AAPL) day for saying "No."

First Apple Legal ordered the Chinese manufacturer of a Steve Jobs look-alike doll to stop making the popular action figure.

Then a representative from developer relations informed the CEO of Mediaprovider, a small magazine publisher based in Denmark, that he couldn't put a magazine about Google's (GOOG) Android on the App Store.

According to Mediaprovider's Brian Dixon, the exchange went like this:

"So what's the problem?" Dixon asked, knowing full well what the problem was.

"You know... your magazine," replied the Apple rep, who identified himself only as Richard. "It's just about Android.... we can't have that in our App Store."

The bi-monthly publication -- the Android counterpart to an iPhone magazine Dixon began putting out earlier this year -- launched Nov. 11.

"It's funny really because I don't think we would sell many magazines on Android through Apple App Store," Dixon told Media Watch. "But the question is where this is going."

Apple has not responded to a request for comment.

[Follow Philip Elmer-DeWitt on Twitter @philiped]

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